
Saturday, November 21, 2020



When you start  blogging , you hear  a lot  about choosing  a niche  .Your niche  covers  the topic  of your blog  and the target  audience  that will read  it .Choosing  the right  niche  will make  blogging fun  and profitable  , but the question  remains  how do you pick  the right  niche  ?There  is no single  formula  for finding  the perfect  niche  , but the following  tips  will help  you pick  a solid  niche  for your blog's success  .


    Pick a Subject You Care About

Choosing  a topic  that interests  you is definitely  an important  factor  when choosing  a niche  .If you want  to blog  successfully  , write  regularly  at least  once a week  for a long  time  .Your content  will dry  quickly  and be boring  if you don't have a personal  interest  in your topic  .Your readers  will surely  notice  that your topic  is not passionate  .Certainly  the days  will come  when blogging won't be your favorite  pastime  , but overall  your blog  should show  a sense  of experience  and excitement  .The more you know  and are interested  in a topic  , the better  you can write  about it , and the more readers  will want  to read  your content  .Choosing  a niche  that you are passionate  about will also  help  you stay  motivated  and write  for the long  haul  .


     Choose a Profitable Niche 

If you want  to monetize  your blog  , you should also  choose  a niche  that has profit  potential  .This means  choosing  a niche  that also  interests  a significant  number  of people  .One  way  to fix  this is to use  a keyword analysis  tool  like  Google  AdWords Keyword Planner  or Copyblogger Keyword Research  .Try  to identify  keywords relevant  to your topic  and see  how many  queries  people  are looking  for those words  .You want  to choose  something that causes  at least  several  hundred  requests  per month  to drive  more traffic  to your website  .

To select  a profitable  niche  , you should also  consider  advertising  potential  .To be successful  in monetizing  your blog  , you need  to find  advertisers  who want  to reach  your target  audience  .Are  you wondering  if you can name  at least  3  companies  that might  be interested  in advertising  your qualified  jobs  ?Otherwise  , you may  not have great  ad  revenue  potential  and need  to find  another  niche  .


  Choose a Niche of the Right Size

One  of the hardest  things  to do when choosing  a blogging niche  is to pick  something of the right  size  .If you choose  something too general  , you risk  getting  lost  in the sea  of search  results  .If you choose  something too specific  , your target  audience  may  be too small  .When you have an idea  , try  listing  variations  of the same niches  , from the most general  to the most specific  .So  pick  something in between .Niches  like  travel  and corporate  marketing  are probably  too large  .You will compete  with thousands  of other websites  with the same keywords and lose  readers  looking  for something more specific  .Budgeting  and marketing  for landscape  companies  are more specific  , but still  have a wider  target  audience  .By  having a more specific  niche  , you will have less  competition  and a better  chance  of attracting  readers  who are looking  for more targeted  information  .Don't be careful  not to limit  it , as you could write  hundreds  of articles  on this topic  .Remember  , you can improve  your niche  a little  by starting  a blog  .If you start  with too broad  an interest  range  , you can be more specific  and post  in a smaller  interest  area  .Conversely  , if you find  your niche  too small  , you can add  several  articles  to expand  the topic  .This is easier  to do if you start  with a niche  that offers  some flexibility  to expand  or contract  .If you do your research  and pick  something that interests  you , your niche  can contribute  to the success  of your blog  .

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