
Friday, November 6, 2020

Types of Blog Posts that Sell | Blogging Guide

 There are lots of types of blog posts that have the potential to get results, and some that probably won’t. In this section, we’re going to take a look at some of the most effective content types. 

 Always remember that you should keep your content as tightly niched as possible. You don’t want to create content that could hurt your SEO, and there’s no reason to create content that isn’t likely to help you achieve your goals. 

 Let’s say you’re running a blog about golf. You might think that creating a post about the top ten new luxury cars could attract golfers. While that’s not completely outside the realm of possibility since golf is a rather expensive hobby, that article is likely to attract a lot of visitors that don’t care anything about golf. 

You want to create content that is the most likely to get you a new email subscriber, or buy something, or take whatever other action you wish. 


Top Lists 

 Top lists are a very popular type of content that is perfect for a lead-in to a call-to-action. For example, you could have an article called, “The Top 5 Drivers That Can Lengthen Your Drives”.   

You could then have your call-to-action at the end of the article asking people to opt in for your lead magnet called “10 Ways to Shave Strokes Off Your Golf Game”. 


 Interviews with industry experts and popular figures in your market will draw a lot of attention, and they help lend a little credibility to your call-to-action.  

 If you’ve interviewed someone people recognize, not only will it draw in more traffic, it will also make people naturally feel your own information is more likely to be good. 


Guest Posts 

 Like interviews, guest posts by popular people within your niche lend credibility to your own calls-to-action. 


Tips & Tricks 

 People love articles that provide simple tips and tricks in an easy-todigest format.  

 Lists of 5-10 tips and tricks on a particular topic draw a lot of readers, and make it easy to lead in to a call-to-action. 


In-Depth Tutorials 

 In-depth tutorials always tend to be big draws, but they’re also excellent for getting people to take action. 

 A good in-depth tutorial will bring in a lot of traffic, and it will also give you a lot of credibility if it is well-written and interesting. 



 Video is a type of content that has huge potential for getting people to take action, because you can actually ask them to take action in the video itself.  

 For example, you could say, “Visit my website and enter your name and email address for more information about how you can lose weight with today’s most popular diets!” 

 People who are watching your video are much more likely to hear your call-to-action than someone who’s just read a lot of text and now need to read a call-to-action, so video can be extremely effective. 


Other Types of Content 

 There are other types of content you can consider, too. Remember that you don’t have to stick 100% to your main goals.  

 Occasionally, you can have additional goals for your content. 

 For example, maybe you just want to raise brand awareness. You want to get a big kick of viral traffic, and you’re not as worried about your main goals.  

 In that case, you could create a post that was totally out there just to get traffic and help people recognize your name within your niche. 


Let’s take a look at an example: 

 Let’s say you write an article called, “The 25 Most Bizarre Weight Loss Inventions Ever Created!” 

 This article is pretty generic, and it could potentially draw a lot of people who aren’t even interested in losing weight because they just want to see the strange information—BUT, it could also draw dieters who would be interested in what you are offering. 

 It could also increase recognition of your brand in your niche, which could benefit you down the road even if you don’t get a lot of results immediately. 

source: click here



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